Monday, April 23, 2012

Nazi Questions and Answers

Nazi Questions and Answers
by A.V. Schaerffenberg

Nazi Questions and Answers was written by a Nazi sympathiser. They reflect the most current views of the NSDAP and do not in any way represent the views of the blogger. They are simply put here for educational use. In the opinion of the blogger the vast majority of the arguments made by Herr Schaerffenberg are nonsense and have absolutely no logical base to stand on whatsoever.

What is "Nazism"?

It is a contraction of "National Socialism", a world ideology, whose central tenet is the preservation of the White-Aryan Race. The struggle for its permanence is the most important ever undertaken by mankind, because it is nothing less than a life- or-death fight for our existence. National Socialists believe the United States can only survive as a white nation, because only the White Race is capable of creating civilized society. Yet, their first loyalty belongs to White men and women throughout the world, regardless of where they may reside. Our race - not a specific piece of geography, and certainly no government - is our nation. As the British National Socialist martyr, William Joyce, put it so succinctly, "If you love your nation, you are a racial nationalist. If you love your White society, you are a social racist. Be a National Socialist!

What do you mean by the word "Aryan"?

An "Aryan" is a White person of European, non- Jewish descent. We owe our supreme loyalty to our Aryan family, because everything we are, as individuals and as members of a civilized society, we have inherited from our race. The dissolution of Western Civilization is in direct proportion to its infection by non-Aryans.

Why do you use the Swastika?

It is the hallmark of the White- Aryan Race. That was why Adolf Hitler chose it as the emblem of his Aryan ideology. Earliest examples have been found in the Caucasus Mountains of Central Asia, where the "Caucasian" peoples dwelt more than nine thousand years ago. It has since been used by ancient Greeks, Romans, Vikings and every Aryan people from early in their history, because all of them belonged to the same race it originally symbolized. In the ancient Aryan language, Sanskrit, "Swastika" means "the good luck sign", and was associated with light. It is fitting, then, that it continues to exemplify the National Socialist worldview of racial enlightenment.

Why would anyone want a Nazi dictatorship?

National Socialism is a racial, not a political idea in the ordinary sense. It holds that the value of any government is determined primarily by its ability to preserve its Aryan citizens against racial and cultural decay. Adolf Hitler was voted into office and subsequently achieved power through the overwhelmingly popular support of the German people. Their own traditions demanded that he rule in a particular fashion. For the Germans, his military-style government was in keeping with their traditions of Bismarck or Frederick the Great. The British feel most comfortable with their parliamentary heritage, and the United States was conceived as a Constitutional Republic. All peoples must be free to determine the type of government which best reflects their unique national character and social issues, which vary from land to land. A "one-size-fits-all democracy" is nothing more than a propaganda ruse to veil the real agendas of tyrants posing as elected representatives.

The goal of the National Socialist Revolution is not to overturn these various governments, but to purge them of all their anti-Aryan elements, and re-direct them to the fundamental purpose each share in common; namely, the protection and preservation of the Aryan Race. The dissolution of Western Civilization is in direct proportion to its infection by non-Aryans. Government is, therefore, a means to an end — a shield over a people's continued existence. As Adolf Hitler said, "regimes come and go. Race endures."

You call yourselves "Socialists". Does that mean you want a state-run economy?

National Socialists believe in free enterprise and the rights of private property, not government intervention, save only to ensure fair play between capital and labor. We oppose capitalists, because they abuse their power by stifling competition and achieve economic domination at the expense of workers and consumers alike. After the Soviet Union fell, financial wizards, known as oligarchs, typified capitalism. While they became rich, like the Jew billionaire, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the Russian people were reduced to squalor.

In removing the twin evils of capitalist exploitation and communist manipulation, Adolf Hitler allowed the German economy to blossom, while the outside world still wallowed in Depression. The economic miracle he achieved was the chief cause of World War Two. It was set in motion the moment he based the value of money on the productivity of the German worker. Germany was suddenly freed from the international bankers who controlled every other industrial nation, and threatened to destroy their network of worldwide profit through example: As other, non- German peoples began to follow Hitler's lead, the wealthy wire-pullers were in jeopardy of becoming extinct.

To save themselves, their newspaper and film industries churned out propaganda to inflame worldwide public opinion against Hitler, while their hired politicians, like Churchill and Roosevelt, schemed for a war that would annihilate competition from the Third Reich. Capitalists have always used their public mouth-pieces and political puppets to stir up artificial patriotism among the uncritical masses of Gentiles, who must pay in money and blood for foreign wars of economic aggression, such as the U.S. invasion of Iraq to steal that country’s rich oil supplies.

National Socialists are less interested in controlling economic life than in liberating all the inherent creative energies of our people, giving them free reign to manage their own business affairs and seek out the high potential of their natural productivity.

Don't you believe in religious freedom?

In our ranks, devout Christians march side by side with critical atheists, or nature- worshiping pagans with indifferent agnostics. All of them, united in their determination to create a racially united society, respect each other's fundamental right to seek God, or not to seek him, according to one's own personal beliefs. We value spiritual freedom as the antidote to religious strife that has claimed millions of lives in stupid wars. National Socialists follow America's Founding Fathers in their mutually respectful separation of Church and State, and according to the words of Jesus himself, who urged his followers to "pay homage to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God's."

Why do you hate the Jews?

For the last several thousand years, in every land on Earth, up to the present moment, Jews survive by stealing the wealth of productive peoples. At the same time, the Jews understand that they consistently run the risk of being unmasked as the parasites they are, so long as their host population still has enough racial instinct to recognize its own exploitation. Hence, the Jewish promotion of miscegenation at every level of White society, because a mixed people is no longer capable of understanding what is happening to it.

The more racially polluted a victimized people becomes, the less it is able to produce, and the greater its social disarray, until civilization utterly collapses in chaos. History is littered with dozens of examples, from ancient Egypt and Rome to modern times. America and the West have already entered into this historical cycle of decline, but may break free only if enough White- Aryans wake up to the Jews before conditions become irreversible.

What about the six million Jews murdered by Hitler?

Ask the average Gentile American how many Jews died in World War Two, and he will readily respond, "six million". Ask him how many Americans or Christians fell in that conflict, and he will not be able to answer. Nor is he sure how many Americans were killed during the Vietnam War, much less the Civil War or War for Independence. Yet, he is quite sure that "six million innocent Jews were murdered by the Nazis".

When brought to his attention, this disparity of awareness often makes him wonder why he should know with such alacrity about the questionable fate of a three percent minority population, while far less about the very real sufferings of his own people.

The answer, of course, lies in the "Dead Six million" as a propaganda myth invented even before the Second World War, and since used to psychologically condition Aryans against "anti-Semitism" in general and National Socialism in particular. Interestingly, Gentiles who finally realize Jewry's unsurpassed criminality are often disappointed to discover that the alleged "Holocaust" never took place.

What's your "Final Solution" of the Jewish Question, then?

As used to be said of the Devil, "the power of Satan is that people do not believe in him." The same is true of the Jew. His power lies primarily in the failure of White Americans to recognize him. They have been skillfully and incessantly propagandized by every level of public information into accepting the Jews only as a "Chosen People" of the bible, persecuted for their pious religion. But the role of professional victim is the disguise behind which the Jew sucks the life-blood — economically and racially — of our people. Unmasking his real role in the poisoning of White Civilization is the most effective means of deflating his power. The evil he perpetuates against us must whither away in the harsh light of exposure.

How can you solve the race problem?

We advocate the removal of all non-Aryans from White Civilization by every means necessary. National Socialists do not believe in domestic segregation, but total geographical separation. It stands to reason that racial prejudice, bigotry and violence can only exist in multi-racial societies. There can be no racial injustice in an all-White nation. In the future, only members of our race may be citizens of our country. All others must be excluded.

Sending the Negroes back to their African homeland is a traditional alternative. Repatriated blacks resulted in the West African state of Liberia during the 19th Century, and more than nine million them petitioned Congress for the funds necessary to return to the Dark Continent in the early 20th Century. If many millions of White Americans could have been sent overseas to slaughter their European brothers on behalf of International Jewry in World War Two, then the repatriation of as many blacks under peacetime conditions is no less feasible. If American technology can put White men into outer space, it can certainly return Negroes to Africa.

But the blacks are only part of the Western World's acute racial dilemma. Every Aryan nation must be racially disinfected until our civilization is entirely restored to its White inhabitants. The first and most important step in that direction is to arouse the will of our people on behalf of their own self-preservation as an Aryan race.

The only issues in the Middle East are Jews and oil. All talk of "liberating" (i.e., conquering) the Iraqi people, or "fighting for freedom" are propaganda ploys designed to emotionally engineer masses of unthinking goyim into supporting aggression for ulterior motives. It is an old trick, going back to wars in Vietnam, Korea and Europe. Patriotic instincts can be artificially inflamed and misguided by political power-freaks intent on achieving secret agendas. U.S. intervention in Iraq is no different, and came about chiefly because Ariel Sharon demanded it. He often stated that none of his Arab neighbors would be allowed to approach military parity with Israel, which, alone in the Middle East, has owned a nuclear arsenal for at least fifteen years. George Bush's public farce about phantom "weapons of mass- destruction" defines the identity of his Zionist puppet-master, because such arms are easily found in Israel, not Iraq. From the moment Saddam Hussein's otherwise less than third-rate military developed a medium-range missile capable of striking Israel, the invasion of Iraq was inevitable. Americans are, therefore, fighting and dying for a cause that has nothing whatsoever to do with "homeland security", much less "liberating" the long-abused Iraqi people.

For years, going back to Daddy Bush's administration, America committed genocide against the Iraqis — especially against their children and elderly — through prolonged sanctions that had negligible effect on Saddam Hussein's armed forces, but catastrophically impacted his country's hospital services. A United Nations' study in spring, 2001, estimated that at least 200,000 people in Iraq had died directly of causes stemming from America's embargo on vital medical supplies. Saddam may have been a brutal tyrant, but he was neither better nor worse than any other Arab leader. His only "crime" was to possess a missile that could reach — never the United States — but Israel. And that is the chief cause that singled him out for American involvement.

To be sure, there is also an obvious economic reason behind the U.S. invasion. Iraq is rich in petroleum, and geologists have been warning for some time that accessible oil supplies are rapidly dwindling. The key word here is "accessible". While the interior of our planet contains virtually limitless oil reserves, most lie at varying depths, where extracting the liquid gold is impossible at worst and extremely expensive at best. Relatively shallow, accessible deposits are running low. Seizing Iraqi oil will at least temporarily postpone the eventual collapse of an antiquated industrial complex still run on finite fossil fuels. As everyone knows, oil is equivalent with wealth, over which wars have been fought from the siege of Troy. Then as now, the rich booty of war never goes to common soldiers who suffer and die for its acquisition, but to their manipulative leaders safe at home.

The past teaches another lesson appropriate to the American conquest of Iraq: No war in the history of the world has ever been won by a multi-racial army, regardless of its numerical advantage. Our country's humiliation at the hands of Asian peasants in Vietnam is a recent example. Many others go back to Persia's defeat by a handful of Greeks, 2,500 years ago. Typically, the performance of the U.S. armed forces, for all their supposedly overwhelming technological strength, has been poor. In the fighting for Feluga, American forces were stymied and held at bay for many long weeks, despite repeated USAF air strikes. Although backed by a state-of-the- art military machine outfitted with the latest weaponry, America's racially mixed servicemen and women are dropping like flies to an religiously inspired, racially homogeneous opponent with no air power, no armor, no advanced communications, and no artillery — in fact, no heavy weapons of any kind. All they possess are anti- personnel bombs and small arms, mostly ex-Russian rifles taken from another military fiasco, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Yet, more than a year after President Bush's premature victory celebration, more U.S. soldiers are being taken down in Iraq than ever. The effect of their sacrifice has been to make Americans the most hated people in the world. Morale both at home and overseas is declining. Suicide rates among enlisted personnel are at record highs, as state-side hospitals cannot keep up with increasing numbers of U.S. soldiers crippled, blinded and wounded — for what? Jews and oil.

Meanwhile, the American "liberation" of Iraq has begun to resemble the German occupation of France, at least as it was over-dramatized by Hollywood propaganda films. In truth, the French were far more sympathetic to the Germans than the Iraqis will ever be to Americans. Thousands of Frenchmen volunteered to fight for the Third Reich in the SS Charlemagne Division, and performed with exemplary heroism in the defense of Berlin against the Soviet invaders. In sharp contrast, a detachment of Iraqis trained and equipped by the Americans refused to fight against their fellow countrymen at the first opportunity. Bush sycophants prate much about bringing democracy to Iraq, but only U.S. approved politicians are allowed to hold office or even run in elections there. None of this arrogant hypocrisy is lost on the Iraqi people. At least they are not alone, however.

A large and growing majority of Europeans oppose foreign involvement in Iraq. Yet, most of the allegedly "democratic" leaders, flagrantly against the popular will of their own people, have committed themselves to Iraqi involvement. England's Tony Blair is widely known among the British people as "Bush's poodle", a real-life caricature that could be just as accurately applied to any of the reigning puppets installed in Europe since World War Two. A self-evident financial indebtedness to the U.S. explains their unswerving commitment to Middle East meddling, despite majority opposition at home. For example, what possible interest could the Polish people have in Iraq, save for a few scraps from the Americans' victory table picked up by their politicians? Happily, this widening rift between the masses of Europeans and their allegedly elected officials has effectively exposed the criminal farce of "democracy" more clearly than ever before, and is nurturing a general disenchantment with the entire postwar political system, with an attendant resurgence of popular "anti-Semitism".

But what is the future of the Iraq War? As one returning American soldier told The Chicago Tribune on condition of anonymity, "We're not going to win this one!" He cited the virtually universal hatred Iraqis have for Americans. "And why not?," he asked. "Nobody likes to be militarily occupied. The same people who are friendly during the day are shooting at us after nightfall. We'd do the same if the U.S. were invaded.

With every hour of American "liberation" that passes, anger against America deepens and spreads throughout the Arab world and beyond. Our country is universally regarded as nothing more than the Arsenal of Jewry, whose president is an evangelical religious fanatic convinced that Ariel Sharon and his ilk are God's "Chosen People". In occupying Iraq, Bush has set the stage for a much larger confrontation with Islam. The last such conflict took place a thousand years ago, when Pope Urban II contrived a crusade against the Moslem Near East to distract Europeans from their burgeoning dissatisfaction with his corrupt papacy. In the end, the crusaders were vanquished to the point of annihilation by the combined forces of Saladin. Today's so-called "Islamic militants" are keenly aware of Saladin's bloody triumph, and refer to the goy soldiers occupying their country as "crusaders".

Doubtless, the Americans and their reluctant allies will continue to enforce an increasingly noxious presence in Iraq. But the price will be steep, not only in the growing numbers of American soldiers killed and wounded. The effect of U.S. "liberation" has been to recruit new legions of terrorists. Their lethal hatred of 21st Century "crusaders" and those who support them is our legacy of a U.S. foreign policy utterly subservient to a foreign power that has dragged us into an abyss from which there is no evident escape. Because Israel demanded that one of her Arab neighbors be reduced, people on both sides in Iraq have been killed and maimed, with more to come. Fearful consequences unloosed throughout the world. In a profanation of Christ's Last Supper George Bush claims to venerate, a blasphemous transubstantiation is taking place: Innocent blood is being exchanged for oil. Americans delude themselves, however, if they imagine that their dilemma can be solved simply by voting someone else into the White House. In doing so, they will only exchange one Jewized agent of corporate finance for another.

With an irony more ominous than assuring, civilization began between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, in what long after came to be known as Iraq. It is here, in this cradle of civilization, that a Zionist American president has fought against the fundamental survival of civilization itself. Time has come round from human creativity to self-destruction in the same region. It is a long cycle, from which mankind may either learn in time and take the proper action by freeing itself from an endless repetition of wars to make the world safe for Jewry. Or utterly perish.

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